BULLTERRIER New Jiu Jitsu Gi DIAMOND Start Pre-Order

We have started the pre-ordering BULL TERRIER new Jiu-Jitsu Gi Diamond, which is scheduled to be released in early March.

Only pre-orders are sold at a special pre-order price, which is 10% off the regular price.

The special reservation price will end as soon as it goes on sale.


Sales price: White 18,900 yen (tax included) → Pre-order price (10% discount) 17,010 yen (tax included)

Blue / Black 19,900 yen (tax included) → Pre-order price (10% discount) 17,910 yen (tax included)


Please make your pre order here




BULLTERRIER Jiu Jitsu Gi DIAMOND White Pre-order






BULLTERRIER Jiu Jitsu Gi DIAMOND Blue Pre-order





BULLTERRIER Jiu Jitsu Gi DIAMOND Black Pre-order


BULL TERRIER armor based Jiu Jitsu Gi "Diamond Gi" using new materials.

A model worn by Kleber Koike, who is currently active in RIZIN, at the entrance to RIZIN TRIGGER.


The jacket is a solid 550gms gold weave fabric with a new material, diamond sashiko.


Light and durable 10oz diamond ripstop fabric is used for the pants, and the joints are reinforced, double-stitched, and triple-stitched to create a solid structure.

It is an irresistible item for armor lovers due to its commitment.


Comes with a special bag.

IBJJF official rules approved


Please make your pre order here