BULLTERRIER New Jiu Jitsu Gi FUHAI 2.0 Strat Pre Order

We have started pre-ordering BULL TERRIER new Jiu-Jitsu Gi FUHAI 2.0,

which is scheduled to be released in the middle of March.

Only pre-orders are sold at a special pre-order price, which is 10% off the regular price.

The special reservation price will end as soon as it goes on sale.

Sales price:

White 20,900 yen (tax included) → Pre-order price (10% discount) 18,810 yen (tax included)

Navy 21,900 yen (tax included) → Pre-order price (10% discount) 19,710 yen (tax included)


Please make your pre order below:




BULLTERRIER Jiu Jitsu Gi FUHAI 2.0 White Pre Order






BULLTERRIER Jiu Jitsu Gi FUHAI 2.0 Navy Pre Order


From BULL TERRIER Mushin Jiu Jitsu Gi ,the“FUHAI”Gi model appeared as a new series

The traditional Japanese head pattern, which is the theme of undefeated, symbolizes courage, respect, and fearlessness.

In addition, it has been told for a long time that the meaning of a talisman is also good and auspicious.


The jacket is 475gm single weave fabric,


Light and durable 10oz Twill cotton fabric is used for the pants, and the joints are reinforced, double-stitched, and triple-stitched to create a solid structure.


Each part of the inner lining is printed with a raw neck drawing designed by a professional tattoo artist.


With a special bag.

IBJJF Official Rules approved.


We waiting for your pre-order