BULLTERRIER New Jiu Jitsu Gi ASHURA 3.0 Start Pre-order

We have started pre-ordering BULL TERRIER new Jiu Jitsu Gi Ashura 3.0, which is scheduled to be released in late March.

Only pre-orders are sold at a special pre-order price, which is 10% off the regular price.

The special reservation price will end as soon as it goes on sale.


Sales price:

White 19,900 yen (tax included) → Pre-order price (10% discount) 17,910 yen (tax included)

Blue / Black 20,900 yen (tax included) → Pre-order price (10% discount) 18,810 yen (tax included)


Please make your pre-order here



BULLTERRIER Jiu Jitsu Gi ASHURA 3.0 White Pre-Order



BULLTERRIER Jiu Jitsu Gi ASHURA 3.0 Blue Pre-Order



BULLTERRIER Jiu Jitsu Gi ASHURA 3.0 Black Pre-Order


BULLTERRIER Jiu Jitsu Gi "Ashura" model that appeared as a new series following the popular MUSHIN.


The Gis Jackets are made of the 450gm Pearl weave fabric,


the pants are made of light and durable 10oz Twill Cotton fabric.

There are reinforcing, double stitching and triple stitching at the part of the joint to make it strong.




The lining prints are provided of the ASHURA picture by a professional carving design.


With a special bag.

IBJJF Official Rule Approved.


Please make your pre-order here